Wave Your White Flag To Bankruptcy

Are you drowning in debt and can’t seem to find your way out? It’s time to wave your white flag to bankruptcy and let us step in to help you!

Reasons To File

Wave Your White Flag To BankruptcyIf you’re reading this, you’re probably exploring the option of bankruptcy and wondering if this is the right option for you. Some of the reasons people consider filing for bankruptcy are because they have judgments filed against them, which means that your wages could be garnished or your bank account levied (they’ve taken money out of your account.) In many cases, those funds can be recovered and we can stop the wage garnishment. Also, if you’re falling behind in your mortgage, if you’re interested in protecting your home or protecting your car, if you’re just having problems making your monthly bills at the end of the month, you may want to consider bankruptcy, as you can discharge or settle your accounts for pennies on the dollar, depending on which chapter you decided to file for. If you have any questions regarding this, contact our office.

Bankruptcy Qualifications

When a lot of our clients walk through our doors in our South Jersey office, they want to know, “What are the chances that I’m going to not be accepted for bankruptcy?” For a lot of people, this is a last-ditch effort. They don’t know where else to go or where else to turn. The answer is almost everyone will qualify for more than one form of bankruptcy or another. That’s why it’s important to have an attorney who’s knowledgeable in bankruptcy and experienced with bankruptcy to guide you. The important part of being approved for bankruptcy is making sure you choose the right type of bankruptcy. If you have any questions about whether bankruptcy is right for you or whether you should be considering a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13, please call our office.

Why You Need an Attorney

It’s important to have a bankruptcy attorney to help guide you through this process. It’s important to make sure that your documents are filed on time and that you’re filing for the correct bankruptcy. You need somebody to help you decide whether a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 would be beneficial for you. Also, for people who are concerned about losing their home or their car, you need an attorney who knows what they’re doing to be able to stop share of sales and to recover your car if it’s been repossessed. Individuals, too, whose wages have been garnished or whose bank account has been levied, you need a skilled attorney, an experienced attorney who can recover those funds for you.

Dealing with Creditors

A question some clients have is, “What do I do if my creditors contact me after I’ve already filed for bankruptcy?” The answer is they should not be contacting you. However, if they do, inform them that you are in bankruptcy and give them the number of your attorney. If you have any other questions regarding this, please contact our office.

Are you or a loved one dealing with a mountain of debt and are seeking legal assistance? It’s time to wave your white flag to bankruptcy and surrender. We can help you! Contact experienced South Jersey bankruptcy lawyer Andrew Carroll of All Jersey Bankruptcy today for a free consultation and case evaluation.

We are dedicated to giving you the answers that you need in order to make an informed decision about whether bankruptcy is the best decision option for you.

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