Attorney Andrew M. Carroll has dedicated himself to the practice of bankruptcy, foreclosure defense, and loan modifications in order to develop the skills to fight for the interests of his clients. The work that he does is based on finding the solution that works for the individual. Mr. Carroll does not presume that a bankruptcy filing is the right decision for the client because that is what someone else has told the person that he or she needs. He will present alternatives and engage in an honest discussion in order to arrive at the right decision for people needing a new financial start.
Reasons to File for Bankruptcy
Why You Need a Bankruptcy Attorney
Foreclosures After Filing for Bankruptcy
The Duration of a Bankruptcy on Your Credit Report
Dealing with the Creditors After Bankruptcy
How A Spouse’s Bankruptcy Affects Your Credit Score
Falling Behind on Mortgage Payments
Filing for Bankruptcy with Your Spouse
Rebuilding Your Credit After Bankruptcy
Credit Counseling Courses Required for Bankruptcy
Choosing the Right Bankruptcy Attorney
How Bankruptcy Affects Your Credit
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Choosing the Right Attorney for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Converting a Chapter 7 to Chapter 13
Cost of a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Keeping Credit Cards After Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Assets Protected by a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Non Dischargeable Debts in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Forgetting to List a Creditor in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Automatic Stays in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Means Test
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Why You Should File for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Choosing the Right Attorney for a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Timeline
Cost of a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustees
Income Paid to the Chapter 13 Trustee
Credit Card Debt in Your Chapter 13 Repayment Plan
Assets Protected in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy